Recirculating Ice Pad
Dunkirk NY – Operation Meniscus Repair has been successful! I arrived at the center at 7:30 AM, was out by 10:30 AM, back home by 11:30 AM. As of this writing the anesthesia is beginning to wear off, and in about 20 minutes it will be time for the first Oxycodone pill. So I am slipping in today’s entry while I can.
In my opinion, though, the biggest factor to a successful recovery is the Breg Polar Care Cube. This thing replaces ice packs and keeps a continuous 6-8 hours of cold on your knee to prevent swelling. I highly recommend it for any type of knee or shoulder injury or surgical recovery. This is the second time I am using it, and it’s simple to use, maintain, and feels wonderful on the knee.
Gonna leave it here for now, as focus is a bit difficult, though not impossible. -twl