Day: September 15, 2019

Gardner Maybe Doesn’t Suck (so much)

Dunkirk NY – I’ve never been a Brett Gardner fan. That’s mostly because of his overall demeanor. I’ve never seen a player work so hard to be mediocre. His vaunted intensity and approach to the game has always garnered a certain attention, as has his “veteran presence.” I much prefer the intensity of a player like D.J. LeMahieu. Continue reading →

Posted by poorplayer in All Posts, The Joy of Baseball

Attic of my Mind

Dunkirk NY – When it comes to writing, I am always of two minds. The first is that I feel I have something to say, and writing it down will help clear it up. The second is that I have nothing to say, and writing it down really won’t make a damn bit of difference. So I tend to dawdle, getting the urge to write, and then suppressing that urge. It leads to less posting.  But I’ve been cleaning my attic the last four days in anticipation of insulating it, and so perhaps this post will be the mental part of that, purging the attic of my mind (with apologies to the Grateful Dead). Continue reading →

Posted by poorplayer in All Posts, Essays, North of Sixty