Month: April 2018

While on Vacation

Dunkirk NY – The last three weeks have been all about travel. First, a visit to my parents for a few days, and then, a trip through the Outer Banks down to Charleston SC. I was searching for some sunshine and warmer weather, as the weather here in western NY has been quite cold, grey, and depressing. Regrettably, I did not find much of the weather I was seeking, as it appears the whole east coast is experiencing a colder-than-normal spring. Only one day got up into the 70s, and I got to tour Fort Sumter in a driving rainstorm. I have historically had bad weather luck when I travel. Right now the best thing I could do would be to travel to Oklahoma, because if I went there, rain would start to fall, which would ease their current drought and wildfire situation. Four days in Charleston yielded only one rain-free day, on which the temperature reached a high of 52 degrees. Not exactly what I was hoping for.

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Posted by poorplayer in North of Sixty