Dunkirk NY – Well, I finally did it. I stretched myself out just a bit too much this morning and my knee got a little tired. So here I sit on the couch once again, icing the knee and giving it some rest for the rest of the day.
Needing a change of pace, I’ve been puttering around the house trying to do small chores around the house. I’ve been down the basement and up on second floor a number of times, requiring the climbing of all those stairs. I’ve been sitting on office chairs rather than having my leg elevated. This morning I moved the couch a bit to see about re-installing some springs (which was not possible), and did a little work in the back room trying to straighten that out. All small items, and I think nothing too strenuous, but perhaps the cumulative effect was more than I anticipated.
It sort of reminded me of the summer of 2000, when I was laid up a bit with some complications resulting in the removal of my gall bladder. I remember feeling pretty good one afternoon and thought I’d go out and take a walk. I got down the driveway and halfway down my own sidewalk before I realized if I didn’t turn back I wasn’t going to make it home. When I got back on the sofa I was completely exhausted. I learned then that when recovering from surgery, you shouldn’t underestimate how long it will take to fully recover. Your body may feel good, but if you try to push it a little before it’s time, you’ll pay.
So since it’s Sunday, I’ll sit here and watch a little football (just a little, to pass the time mostly) and go back to passing the time icing and resting. I can’t afford to screw this up and not be able to drive a week from now for rehearsal. -twl