above the light fog
breathing in the fresh morning’s
momentary mist
Haiku, senryu, thoughts on same
above the light fog
breathing in the fresh morning’s
momentary mist
an eagle, prey in claws,
throws me a sidelong glance of
complete indifference
on a silent rock
the green view across the stream
a sandwich in tow
the trail beckons-
a crisp warmth greets me as birds
sing out their welcome
mid-spring snowflakes –
magnolia blossoms
cry for mercy
One final snowball
to toss at winter’s
fading backside
geese flying in
breezily descend
for a water landing
awaking – i find
you entwined deep
within my dreams
deer in the graveyard
pay very little mind to
my ghostly presence
phantom November:
leaves gone, trees barren,
graves – silent.