The Eternal Flame at JFK’s grave at Arlington National Cemetery
Dunkirk NY – Well, here it is, the end of another week. It’s the 56th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I know people right now think this whole Donald Trump situation is a mess, but the 60s were no political picnic either. From JFK’s murder to the resignation of Nixon and the final withdrawal of troops from Vietnam, the era was pretty politically turbulent. On top of the introduction of the Goldwater factor to the Republican party and the subsequent election of Richard Nixon twice, there was a lot of unrest in the streets. Street demonstrations and urban rioting were the order of the day. What’s going on pales in comparison, most notably the lack of any visible demonstrations of any size at all. The outrage of the 60s found its manifestation in people out on the street. Today it’s all social media, a watered-down version of the same. Polls find people are overwhelmed, exhausted, and indifferent. So I am not paying much attention to the whole thing. There is no way the Senate will convict at any rate, but the game must be played out. I’ll make my voice heard at the ballot box in a year. Other than that, not much to do, really.
The knee progresses fine. I have another PT session today, and have already done my morning workout. We have to get serious about final plans for the holiday visits, as everyone will be here by Tuesday night. The Thanksgiving week will go fast, I think. Before I even know it, November will be gone, and December will be upon me. The next question to face after that is whether or not to escape the winter for a little while, or suck it up and stay in the area. I have some Mom care issues to deal with in the winter, so any snowbirding will have to be worked around those dates. Decisions, decisions. -twl