Dunkirk NY – November snowfalls are nothing unusual around here. The way I look at it, after Halloween comes winter. Up until the end of October, one can still get that fall feeling. A few trees still display their colorful leaves, the temperatures stay above freezing, and snow remains only an outside possibility. Come November, the clocks change back to standard time, the skies become noticeably grayer, temperatures begin to drop, and the expectation of snow has that “any day now” feel.
As if on cue, the first significant snowfall fell yesterday. We got maybe 4″ here, but other locations got a good 10-11 inches. Nearby Buffalo broke its Nov. 11 record with 10.9″ officially. Temperatures are also plummeting, with highs of about 25° and wind chills around 15°. Those temperatures are a good 25° below normal for this time of year.

The driveway is snowblown
The snowblower army came out in force around 10 AM. Normally I’d be out there as well. I did manage to bring my snowblower out from the shed and place it in its winter location, but of course I can’t use it. My neighbor from around the corner, however, came by and dug out my driveway and sidewalk. I tried to catch his attention from my window to thank him and shake my cane to indicate I was incapacitated, but I never caught his eye. I am sure there will be opportunities in the coming winter months to pay him back.
I am now in a new phase of knee recovery. On Monday I removed the surgical dressing that was placed on my knee after the operation, took my first shower since Thursday morning, and placed bandages on the incisions. I’ve not taken any pain medication in two days, and have reduced my icing to 5 times a day for 20 minutes, with no nighttime icing needed.I can get around pretty well with just a cane for balance, but in reality the cane is a bit unnecessary around the house. The knee aches more than being painful, and range of motion is still pretty limited, but overall I feel quite good. I am still sitting and keeping the leg elevated during the day, and will continue to do so until I have my post-op appointment on Friday.
I also went through a 36-hour period where I had to pee about every 40 minutes. I’ve also been catching up on BMs. My guess is that my body is doing what it needs to do to get rid of any lingering anesthetic. I’m pretty much back to normal right now. I am afraid, though, that I am putting on a bit of weight, as my physical activity is reduced, and I find myself eating more food, mostly out of boredom. I’m really not awfully worried about this, but I do know that getting back down to the 210 lbs. I was at before surgery is now 2-3 months into the future, when I can get back on the treadmill and get in some decent pace and calorie burn.
I’ve been passing the time watching old 50s-era TV shows. Peter Gunn, Route 66, and a show I had never heard of called Decoy about the work of a policewoman have filled the time. What’s most interesting about these shows is to see the actors who were making their career debuts in some of these shows. Some of the actors I’ve seen on the shows include Kier Dullea, George Kennedy, Barbara Barrie, Ted Knight, and the comic Shelly Berman. I really enjoy the film noir feel of Peter Gunn, along with Henry

Craig Stevens and Lola Albright
Mancini’s music and Blake Edward’s production. The show was a breakthrough series in its day. It tried to capture the essence of late 50s “cool,” and featured a jazz soundtrack throughout every episode (each episode starts with a decidedly mysterious bass jazz riff). There was a clear formula at work in the show as well. Peter Gunn (played by Craig Stevens) was a classy private eye who hung out in a nightclub called Mothers, and met clients there. His erstwhile girlfriend Edie Hart (Lola Albright) was a singer at the club, and often had a small singing moment within the episode. His police frenemy is Lt. Jacoby (Herschel Bernardi), with whom Pete has a contentious but supportive relationship. Gunn seems to know every shady character in the unnamed waterfront city he operates in, and often the scenes where he drops in on one of them to get information are the best in the show. These made for great scenes with many interesting character actors.
I’m not much of a movie fan, but I’ve also taken the opportunity to watch a few movies with my wife in the evenings. Movies watched include A Man Called Ove (we both read the book), The Red Dragon (with Jet Li), Spiderman: Far From Home, and Stranger Than Fiction. On my own I’ve watched Angels in the Outfield (the original), Closely Watched Trains, and Shane (also half of The Big Sleep). I tend to favor movies made pre-1980, and am not a fan of Hollywood blockbusters.
All in all, recovery is going very well, but I am beginning to feel boredom set in a little. I wander a bit occasionally around the house, staring out windows. I have to constantly remind myself I have nothing to accomplish or do apart from what I can do with a computer on my lap. Time does, however, pass faster than I expected during the day. Hopefully after Friday I’ll be able to get out of the house and go to physical therapy, and not be so housebound. Thanksgiving is the next major event, with the two boys coming home for the holiday. I’d sure like to be more mobile by then. -twl