Crossing off the List

Dunkirk NY – Yesterday’s weather was good, so I was able to get a good portion of outdoor stuff accomplished: bikes to the basement, scooter in the shed, snowblower on the driveway. This morning is a typical dreary November day for this area, so a lot of indoor tasks will get accomplished today. What’s left?

  • Bringing items to the Salvation Army. The wife had some “memory lane” moments because the items were some of the toys the kids played with, so the work slowed down a bit.
  • Hanging a curtain upstairs for a bedroom window.
  • Hanging the office room curtains.
  • Moving boxes from one of the upstairs bedrooms to another storage area.
  • Food and ice shopping. Especially ice. The ice compress machine takes a lot of ice, about a bag a day. We need to get in about 4-6 bags today and load up the freezers.
  • Laundry.
  • Recycling the glass. For some reason the recycling program here no longer takes glass.
  • Getting antifreeze into the water lines of the RV.
  • Bringing in the RV cushions to act as a bed for Thanksgiving company.

There’s more, but you get the drift. In the next two days the house has to be more or less ready for the two boys to come home for Thanksgiving, and we have to do it now before I go down for the next three weeks or so. It feels a little rushed, and it’s chore work, but it’s got to get done. I am sure it will help to keep a rainy, dreary day at bay. -twl